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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wrapping it all up

Just a quick Connolly family update...
As of today, Nick is in route to Puyallup. He and Donald are currently in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and head to Dallas tomorrow. On Saturday they'll be staying in El Paso, TX & on Sunday they'll be in San Clemente. Their last night on the road they'll be in scenic Redding, California & then they'll finally reach Puyallup next Tuesday - January 1st. On the 2nd, Elias and I fly out of Charlotte and reach Seattle around 9pm.

Until then, Elias and I are camped out at Nonny & Poppy's house in Charleston... and having an amazing time. It's been a MAJOR blessing. We've gotten to spend plenty of time with Katie, Josh, AnnaJaye, & Abigail... Elias has gotten tons of quality time with his beloved Nonny-dear AND we still have six more nights to go. Our last few days in Charlotte were so tumultuous and uber-planned... we were rushing from family to friends to family to friends and it's nice to have a little time to digest.

I know Nick is joining me in preparing his heart as he drives across the US, and I'm trying to take some time each day to think about what's going on inside my crazy head. While it may be a touch too analytical - it's really helpful for me to get ready for this transition. Two months ago, I was working part-time, missing my overworked husband & feeling like I wasn't experiencing motherhood the way I truly wanted to. Now I'm going into a season where my gifts are going to be used, my passions ignited, my husband present, and my son witnessing every minute. I couldn't be more excited and scared at once.

So I leave you with a picture of Elias... he didn't quite understand Christmas or gifts - which is good because this wasn't the best year for making memories or traditions. However, his pure joy in the last few days has been so precious... In general, he's been such a trouper over the last few weeks, even. We've been homeless now for two weeks - staying with friends and family who are so gracious to host us. This is his first night staying in a crib since December 9th and even though he really should be a mess - he's been a true delight. So - while I could be complaining about how much I hate transitions & how hard it is on me... I'll take a cue from Elias and go with the flow.


Anonymous said...

Just wondering. Do you think you could write a blog entitled "Party on Wayne. Party on Garth" and post that move in picture of Nick from the old apartment?

Hey, seriously. I really enjoyed the 12 hrs i had with you guys Wednesday. It really kind of hit me after Nick dropped me off how proud i am of the two of you and how honored i am to have you as family. Yes i can believe you will be running a ministry. I love you guys and can't wait to see you again.


Jason said...

I sure hope that Nick makes it back to you both without incident.

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

...elias=cutest kid ever. ever.

Amanda said...

Hey Girl, I know your sister has told you that Jimmy and I have friends in Seattle and Jimmy spent 8 years there so seriously if you ever need anything-call us. If you need to hook up with some awesome people we know where to direct you.
You are in our prayers and we will be out there for sure to visit our god children so lets hook up then.