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Saturday, May 10, 2008

mothers day so far

I was awoken to... well, crying glory:
About an hour later we had an amazing breakfast in bed with the whole family: Nick and I had our gourmet breakfast (sans dairy) that he made, Glor had her bottle of stinky supplemental formula, and Elias had waffles & soy milk (someone has to drink the surplus of the bulk soymilk we bought).

Then I got a corsage (even though we both knew I wouldn't wear it) and some tulips. This afternoon Nick offered to let me go anywhere I wanted but unfortunately the prescription I'm on to enhance my breastfeeding had made me a wild lunatic and I could barely keep my eyes open - plus Glory's reflux was acting up.

We spent the afternoon at the park playing with the kids and now I'm going out with the preggos to celebrate with them - we're going to see "baby mama". Tomorrow we'll go to church, go to brunch with Kal & Shawn, and I think tomorrow night Nick and I are attempting a date without any babies:).

And lastly... a shout out to my favorite mom of all time - MINE. She is amazing and the greatest and I love and miss her more every day. Love you mama.

1 comment:

inthemiddleoflife said...

miss you too, baby.
Praying for your day to be special---as I just told you when you called. You are 'mother to many' in this ministry God has given you and Nick; not to mention the two precious ones you have birthed. I know the Father is pleased with you.