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Friday, July 4, 2008

Fourth of July is fun...

... until you have little babes. Seriously, what can be worse than fireworks when you've got a sleeping four month old & a skittish 18 month old? Nothing. We also live right beside a fireworks stand,so we've had the privelage of hearing the fireworks being tested for the past few weeks - all day long. I'll be excited for some quiet tomorrow!

We did get to spend some sweet time with our Auntie Kal today, being that the true holiday of July 4th is always her birthday. She is a great lover of my kids and I will always be thankful for her and her role in our life. Breakfast was sweet for several reasons. Primarily because there were so many people there that love her so much and it was also sweet because there were so many babies. Silas, Kanah, Grace, Glory, & Elias were all kicking it with us at Portage Bay Cafe this morning. Silas was, of course, the most well behaved and ate his avocado dutifully. Kanah cuddled with her dad before he went to climb Mt. Rainier today. Grace & Glory distracted Kelly and I as we tried to make Kalle feel special and Elias hung close to dad, apparently feeling a bit ashamed of his shiner.

Elias is feeling much better and his black eye is healing. Glory is... ah, she is herself. I love that little lamb more and more each minute of the day, with each ounce of throw-up that accumulates on my shirt. Her reflux has moved from the "scrawny screamer" stage to the "happy spitter" phase where she just pukes up everything she eats. It is by no means easy to deal with, but I will take puke any day over screams. We are in the process of taking copious notes about how much she eats, when she eats, how much she barfs & when she barfs to make a better plan to get food in her and get it to stay.

Having a friend that has been through this is proving invaluable to me. I marvel at the fact that of all the babies & all the mommas, God brought Kelly & I each a barfy, dramatic, pukey, beautiful baby. She has two precious babies, but Grace, specifically has walked the reflux road and is now on her way to recovery. Her & Glory did take turns throwing up this morning at breakfast though - I think they truly bonded.

It's a big weekend for us - packing, cleaning for my dad's visit as soon as we return from the East Coast, & going to our first Mariners game tomorrow night! We actually are guests of a friend, going to the nicest box in the whole stadium! Pics for sure to come....


Nick said...

Sadly, I feel like I live in IRAQ right now. I cannot decide to take cover or call 911.

Unknown said...

ha I just posted a blog similar to yours..who can get excited about loud fireworks when all you want is your babes to sleep?!

JandK Walters said...

i have to say i know im prob the only mom of a 4 week old who loves fireworks and had mu whole fam outside until well past 11 last night...i will say when one fireworks hit our house and almost blew the whole thing up i immediantly threw my body over my sweet son sleeping soundle on the my husband ran towards the house. i do love when those motherly instincts kick in and i can remember they really are there:)

inthemiddleoflife said...

just remember, whatever you was better than the year we did the Yorktown in 105 degrees. Well, the boys did the Yorktown. We just sweated it out on the blankets!
Thank goodness we've learned to stay home and shoot 'em over the pond instead. Of course it would have been sweeter with ya'll here, but only 1 more week 'til we'll all be sweating SC style!!!

Kara said...

I have been a slacker about reading your blogs and wasn't sure which one to comment on because I wanted to comment on all of them!
First I cannot believe you don't have AC. Or that it's 95 degrees in your state. Also I am praying for your pukey child. And the one who has trouble with his feet.
And you. Smooches.