I don't know if I can get enough of my son. Seriously, I love his guts.
I love that he says "thank you" obsessively.
I love how he says the word "no" extremely sweetly.
I love that he likes to play in the rain. See above.
I love that he plays on his new skateboard but is plenty content just to carry it around and say that it is "cooooool".
I love that the little nutter butter crawled out of his crib for the first time today and even though I was scared to death, he cuddled with me for twenty minutes afterward.
I love when he makes his sis laugh just by looking at her.
I love that his second favorite toy is an empty Starbucks cup. Wait, maybe that isn't so awesome.
In general, Elias is one of my good friends and I can't wait to spend tomorrow with him again.
Little boys are so much fun! And I love that he's a big brother to his lil sis. I want a girl so Wes can be a big brother to her :)
umm.....well over 30,000.
congrats to you miss popular! It's the fabulous writing skills, I'm tellin ya!
i just love love this boy so much it hurts right now.
sure I can't convince you to bring him to NC next week? j/k
playing tag with you - call home when the kiddos are down.
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