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Monday, October 20, 2008

5 wishes

So Lauren and I were inspired by watching Aladdin tonight (don't ask) and made each other name five wishes. We stuck to the genie's rules about not killing anyone, not raising anyone from the dead, and not causing anyone to fall in love.

Judge them all you want, but here are my five. And mind you; I made my wishes up on the spot - so don't hate.

1. That no one in my immediate family would die in the next 40 years.
2. That all of my kids would come to know Christ.
3. That I could eat whatever I want without gaining weight, ever. Yeah - I said it.
4. That I could have a billion dollars, tax free, with no questions asked from the government.
5. That I could give birth vaginally - just once, all natural - grunt grunt, push push.

Now I'd like to hear YOURS. Give em. Let them be a little bit shallow.


kellycowan said...

well maybe just wishes for tonight...
1. some socks. i am too lazy to walk upstairs.
2. for my husband to relax (he's running around getting stuff done) and also for him to stop distracting my writing brain with little lines like "i think the girls are almost done getting their vaccines..." he he
3. hot chocolate. this apple cider is oky doky.
4. to hug the girls once more but they're already asleep.
5. for my brain to work since it's my one writing night of the week. come on!!!
love ya

Anonymous said...

here are my wishes for tonight...
1. that my husband would finally agree with me so we can name our baby!

2. for an end to heartburn

3. a time-travel machine. I'm ready for it to be the end of November and to be off bedrest.

4. to be able to point-and-click-paint the walls in our house, like a virtual home makeover but in real life!

5. a mommy-sized diaper so I can stop walking to the bathroom to pee every 5 minutes (just kidding)

Anonymous said...

Forget what I said. I just want a remote control for everything. I want to be able push a button and paint the walls. Push another button and hang the pictures. A third button and hang the curtains.

I want a button for food, water, and definitely coffee.

I want a button that does laundry and another that does the dishes.

How about a button that turns down the volume on the kids' whining? A mute button?

Nick said...

Me too, I would love to give birth vaginally. Always been a wish and a dream of mine.

If I could not do this...I would even take a c-section.

Thats right...I said it. What 'den.

Jennie said...

1) Find a way to make a living as a professional friend
2)Paula Deen as a personal chef
3)A professional organizer/accountant to organize and account...for me
4)Effortless joy and comfort for everyone I know
5)A magic 8 ball that really works. I hate surprises.

Kara said...

1. Botox for my armpits. I hate sweating.
2. $200,000 - enough to pay off our debt, our house, our cars and plenty left to put into retirement/savings. Ah a debt free life! A girl can dream.
3. For the next 5 lbs to come off before my birthday party this weekend.
4. Mom would be cancer free.
5. Matt would get a rail orders for life from Beech Mtn and Mammoth.

Pinkie Winkie said...

1. Absolute health for my whole family-forever! And then we just die peacfully in our sleep at a ripe old age
2. Every member of my family is selfless, loving and giving-at all times
3. Enough money to never worry about bills, take nice vacations, put my kiddos through college but without being too rich to be wasteful
4. Eat whatever and do moderate exercise but look like Faith Hill on the cover of SHAPE this month!! And always be perfectly groomed and tan and my hair done
5. Have a perfectly clean home, wonderful meals and laundry that is always done without having to do it (maybe push a button every morning?)

kellybollman said...

1 - be a stay at home mom
2 - be remarried
3 - have more babies adoption or vaginally
4 - own and remodel this home and maybe have it relocated to another city/town
5 - OH OH :) That I was a contestant on what not to wear even though I halfway know what to wear - yep, that's good enough for now.

staci with an i said...

1) always have fresh breath & clean teeth without ever having to brush or floss again
2) have a few free anytime anywhere direct first class plane tickets w/ valet airport parking included for me and family/friends
3) have a very stress free, chill, fun, christ honoring wedding day
4) be able to sing beautifully
5) auto-toned body. as in, i work out a little bit & get uber toned muscles in return