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Saturday, December 6, 2008


Nick and I are at "A Day with Dr. Don" at Mars Hill, hearing Dr. DA Carson give four different mini-lectures. So far I've felt really blessed by his wisdom and overwhelmed with thankfulness for a few hours to sit beside my husband, learn a little, and discuss something really important to his heart - theology.

I'm also REALLY thankful to LarLar for watching the kids all day while we enjoy this together! We ichatted with the kiddos during our break and you can see what gets to put up with:


Jessi said...

I have to comment on my blog first for this one. I am obsessed with those last two pictures and the look on my husband's face. They make my heart smile.

Nick said...

What a good day...minus the being away from the kids part.

Nick said...

Just noticed the random guy in the back of Pic #1 and he smiling at my kids?

Maybe he is smiling at Lauren?? Jess maybe you can track this guy down for her?

Just a thought.