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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

sweet saint patrick

I think I'll definitely wanting to be getting into St. Patricks Day this year. 
reasons why?

- I'm Irish by marriage to a sweet Connolly. My kids have the precious pale skin & and reddish-blonde hair of their daddy. 
- St. Patrick was um, a baller. He was captured as a slave when he was sixteen, and when he escaped six years later - he returned from Ireland to share Christ with his hometown. 
- He baptized thousands & ordained tons of priests, in an effort to spread the church and the fame of Christ. He was in essence, a movement leader, a rudimentary church planter. 
- St. Patrick's Day gives me one more reason to use the shamrock cookie cutter from my pack of 101 cookie cutters, which my husband did not want me to buy for fear I wouldn't use them. Hmph. 
- I'll let Nick give an official, "this-is-how-assessment-went-and-this-is-the-plan-when-we-know-it" blog, but I think it is safe to say this time next year we'll be living in Boston, and they take St. Patrick's Day pretty seriously. 
- One of my favorite quotes from St. Patrick hits very close to home right now. While he was enslaved he had a vision of himself going to share the gospel with the people who needed to hear it. "As I began the letter, I imagined in that moment that I heard the voice of those very people... and they cried out, as with one voice: 'We appeal to you, holy servant boy, to come and walk among us'.  


kalle said...

Knowing all of this great info about the church planting, gospel sharing St Patrick makes it perfectly clear why we now celebrate him by getting wasted off of green beer... how did this happen??

Jennie said...

Um. Patrick Simeon Connolly would be a pretty baller name...

Nick said...

Um...those cookie cutters were 97 dollars a piece. Ok maybe 10 bucks for 101 cutters...BUT WHO NEEDS A 101 COOKIE CUTTERS!

PS...if I see cookies shaped in any shape for fathers day, our anniversary, or my is on.