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Monday, July 5, 2010

monday challenge

Was it the holiday?
Maybe the fact that my husband worked the better part of the weekend?
Maybe it was the 60 degree July 4th here in Washington?
Or the sick baby?

Either way, I've got a weekend hangover. I didn't have a sip of alcohol, though the baby tylenol looked super tempting at times, but I've got a pounding headache and a listless body.

I hope you're having a restful Monday morning, leisurely sipping your coffee - instead of trying to figure a way to get it into your body as fast as possible like I am. Is it appropriate to funnel coffee like frat boys do with beer? Is that called a funnel?

If you're not having a leisurely Monday and you've got a bit of a weekend hangover - here is my challenge for you (and me). Drink your coffee, and then read some scripture out loud. Maybe while you're making breakfast or maybe in your car. In your cubicle or as you do some yoga during naptime. Whatever you're reading, just read it right outloud. That word is living and active and it just sounds so great.

I'm going to start with the second half of Isaiah 32 and move on to some of the Psalms. Specifically any of the psalms that include the word REVIVE.
I'll keep reading until these sweet faces start looking at me like I'm nutso.
Well, that happens all the time so I'll just keep reading.


lauren said...

Where did you go to college? It's called a bong. As in beer bong. In college some of my friends did a "dew bong" with mountain dew. You are talking about needing a coffee bong. They are not hard to make, from what I can tell, but the warm temperature of the coffee might give you some trouble.

Clara said...

i was going to tell you "beer bong" as well. i know this bc my neighbors have one and party with it regularly :)