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Thursday, February 10, 2011

other things I love, like the internet

The internet might not be as important as Jesus or pizza. 
Well, for real - it's way less important than Jesus and the pizza vs. the internet is probably up for debate. But as I'm in the process of telling you love stories, here are some place on the internet that I really, really, really love. 
It should also be noted that this is the edition of "places on the internet that i love" 
that features no people I've actually met in real life. 
I have lots of real life friends with places on the internet I love, 
this just isn't that edition.

Debra writes about Jesus, adoption, her family, her story, and beautiful things. 

Mama Pea (Sarah) writes about the amazing vegan food she serves her family, her kind-of-too-cute-for-words-little-girls and she's also coming out with her own cookbook soon. 

Danielle's blog is sweet, honest, and has BEAUTIFUL photography. And cute headbands. 

I was super blessed by Shauna's most recent book, Bittersweet, and can't wait to read anything else she comes out with. 

I just really like the whole thing. All of it. Don't look when you're hungry. But I especially appreciate the vegan tab. 

Beautiful pictures and beyond amazing DIY. Sweet narrative too. 

I just recently found this blog and love it and I feel like I would have like to written most of her posts or I have written something similar. She just happens to be 6 bajillion times cuter and more talented than me, but that's no reason not to read her blog. 

Ok. That's my lazy Thursday edition of things I love on the internet. 
What do YOU love? 

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