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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

last chance, last chance!

Hi friends! 
So I mentioned last week that we were in the process of opening a new print shop and I wanted to expound on that a little bit more. 

We have loved, loved, loved Etsy and it has been an amazing foundation to build our business on - but we knew for longevity sake, our store would eventually need it's own site. As we started preparing for a fresh fall shop full of new prints, we realized - there is no time like the present! 

And so..... next Wednesday, September 5th, we'll launch a "free-standing" Naptime Diaries Store with brand new prints (and a few of the standard ones) 
PLUS a few other exciting changes: 
- We made the investment in the big old amazing printer we'd had our eye on since we launched the print shop. It makes prints look like they were printed directly from the rainbow. We've named it "Artie". 
- We've revamped the way we do packaging to make sure all packages get there safely & beautifully & with a little extra love from our family. I'll share more details next Wednesday!
- The purchasing process is super simple on our new shop, with everything detailed for you at your fingertips - frequently asked questions, policies, press, our story, etc. 
- We've expanded more color options for prints!
- Plus, the new shop is just so darn pretty. It's very us. It's very fun to play on. We know you're going to love it! 

We'll keep the Etsy shop and the new site running simultaneously for a while as we get the word out about the new shop, but in the next few days - we want to give you guys the chance to grab up all the old prints before they're discontinued! A few will show up in the new shop, but most are going to print heaven! 

So hop on over to and snag up some old friends. 
We're excited to show you all the new goodies next week! 

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