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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Influence at Home.

At first glance, you might think from the title of this post that it will be a super hearty lovey weighty journal entry concerning how I want to be more concerned with my influence in my home than I am online. I like those weighty thoughts, but this isn't that. It's about STUFF. 

It's officially two weeks since the Influence Conference
I'm slowly coming out of the fog, back into normal life. The post-conference to do list is getting shorter and shorter and I even spent some time this weekend AWAY from the internet. It was sweet. 
And bittersweet. 

Cause I miss my people, you know. 
And the all day coffee. 
Alas - I have little bits of Influence scattered all over my home. 
And that makes me smile. 

A. Nick took all the crates he built for the market and turned them into a wall of bookshelves in our office. This picture doesn't do it justice. It's HUGE. A whole wall. And it smells like cedar. Win. 

B.  My Better Life Bags bag. I cannot get enough of it. Or Rebecca, the designer - 
for that matter.

C.  My necklace from The Tiny Twig.  

D. My coffee mug from Kacia. It's actually from her home and she left it with me and I drink the coffee outsofit each morning. 

E. The chalkboards from the market made it to either side of our bed. Hootie hoo. Now I need some chalk so I can write lovey messages to Nick. 

F. Beautiful Suzie Studios necklace.  Love, love, love it. 

G. NSPottery ring. It's orange. It's POTTERY. It's geometric. It's a big ring. 
No going wrong there.

Any tips for missing your internet friends turned friends?
Or real life friends who are still friends? 
And is it ok to wear two necklaces at once with that ring while drinking my Kacia mug? 
Don't tell me if not. 

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