So we spent the weekend in Charleston to the WHOLE family again - Mom, Gibson, Cara, Katie, Josh, Annajaye, Abigail, Nicholas, Elias, & I. That is nine people in three bedrooms and two & half baths. AND.IT.WAS.GREAT. I really love my family.
I do have two questions/observations, however:
a) Elias won't wear shoes. Since he was born, he goes straight for any pair we put on his toes and pulls them off. This morning, since it was 65 degrees - I sat him down and explained very calmly that it is now fall and I won't stand for all the rude looks I'm getting out in society having an eight month old child who has no socks or shoes on. I tried for about 20 minutes, with Nick's help to put shoes on and Elias won. Afterwards - I was sweaty, tired, and late for work. He knows all the ways to move his foot so you can't get the shoe one and if you do get it on, he knows how to immediately peel it off. What do I do?
b) He won't sleep out of town. Wilmington, the Mtns., Charleston - we're up every two hours. I know part of it has to do with us being in the room with him, but how can I break this? Any suggestions? At home, he goes down EASY at 7:30, no tears ... then he sleeps till around 8:30am, simply putting himself back to sleep if he wakes up during the night. I've got to break him of this, because I just don't want two nurseries AND I really would like to be able to go out of town again without drugging him. HOWEVER, I'm not above it.
........... Lastly, the picture is of Katie & Elias and is my little tribute to her. Happy Belated Blog Birthday, k. I love you so much. You are beauty. You're my hero and best friend. Going through life with you is the best thing that ever happened to me and I pity those who don't get to walk with you. You're an amazing aunt, mother, wife, sister, daughter, and human being. You're my RUBY.
1) That is a great picture of your sister and son.
2) I am at a loss for the shoe problem. Can you even discipline a baby? Who knows?
3) Could Elias sleep in a pack-n-play (or something like it) that is outside of your room on vacation? That way it's like he is in his nursery and is not hyper aware of mom and dad.
I love sharing your blog! I am so glad your weekend went well in Columbia. I have a secret to share with you, Elias is much like his Mom. Although shoes were not a problem, she was much older than 8 months before she would sleep though the night and she hated dresses and had trouble keeping them on.
Sweetheart, I am so proud of you and Nick and certainly Elias- and by no means when you have a son that beautiful should you worry about what society thinks. Because, it they look at that wonderful smiling face that seems to say, "Hey world, what's up?" and only notices he is not wearing shoes, they have already lost! But, I saw on line some baby shoes that were like very soft mocassins, with harder soles that might work for a while. I bet hard shoes are making it differcult for Elias to crawl as much as he wants.
It was 10 people when you count the little one who didn't sleep. But I'd trade rooms with you next time (assuming we don't add a room on just for his crib:) just to have all 10 of you here for the weekend. Guess you'll need to add that we did try the packnplay...but maybe in the soundproof room next time! love, momma
at nine my son still doesn't like shoes. the minute he's in the car his shoes are pulled off and socks thrown under the seat....as long as he's happy and healthy; dont' worry about what people think.
you are a joy to me. thanks for the shot out in blog and in life. you always build me up in spite of my screw ups. you always also keep me not only safe but raised in others eyes... even though you know my inside. this my sis is a gift and not one many sisters share. i adore you.
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