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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

straight up Elias blogging.


- Elias is growing in leaps and bounds. Not so much physically but mentally. Here are his words of late:
tsshhhh YOU: thank you (my favorite by far!)
na: milk
more: more (taught by none other than ms. marilee)
ptsshnce: patience
twak: truck or car or plane or boat
wok: rocking chair or to rock
poopoo: you guessed it
diba: diaper

He has started to imitate me when I discipline him. So if I speak in even a slightly louder tone than normal - he screams and points his finger at me. Just all the more reminder that I need to speak in a normal voice when correcting him. And stop pointing my darn finger.

We could tell he was ready to cut out his morning nap, but it was so quality and by the afternoon he was quite crazy if we went cold turkey. So we started putting him in his crib with the lights on and door cracked with a stack of books. He still sort of reclines and get his passy, but he actually will look at books for like an hour and a half! I came in today to get him and he was just very calmly "reading". By the afternoon he's ready for a quality nap, but not a wild & tired banshee.

What in the world do you feed 18 month olds? I'm at a loss. We've had two stand-offs trying to get him to eat veggies & both nights he went to bed with no dinner. Ugh, it was painful. I'll tell you from the get-go, I don't like tricking him into eating things because I think it defeats the point of obedience and learning to love healthy food. We did, however, resort to putting sweat potato chunks in his mac & cheese and that little stinker picked them all out. His favorites are cheese sandwiches, mac & cheese, string cheese, sliced cheese, waffles, yogurt, and pb&j with granola. He is NOT allergic to dairy.

Thank God for wellies. Elias got two pair for birthday/christmas & he's never been able to quite walk in them. This weekend while cleaning we found them in his closet and he is OBSESSED. Before I get him out of his crib in the morning, he starts saying "shoe! shoe!" and as soon as he gets out, finds them and puts them on himself. They make his day.

I'm at a crossroads where it is really time to put Glory in the nursery with him and it's almost time to put him in a big boy bed. Currently Glor sleeps in a pack and play in our guestbedroom/office but she is growing tired of her unglamorous settings. Any advice to helping these two crazies sleep together? I'm a little afraid they're going to talk all night. PLUS Glory still wakes up about an hour earlier than Elias.

Okay - that's all I've got for now.
love love.


Anonymous said...

I like the Sneaky Chef cookbook for ideas about what to feed toddlers. Unlike the author, however, I don't lie to the kids about what is in their food. They just think that strawberry ice cream is made with avocado, and that everyone puts pureed vegetables in everything from meatballs to brownies. They think chocolate cake is always made with beets and beg for zucchini, carrot, apple or pumpkin breads.

We make pancakes with shredded vegetables and melt a little cheese on top. Or we'll cut up vegetables to put on pizza. Though the kids prefer plain cheese pizza (we put pureed beans and carrots in the sauce), they will stand at the island and eat little pieces of vegetables because they think they are getting away with something.

Okay, now this preggo is hungry!

Rachel said...

We didn't have the food issue with Kirby but we are going through the same thing with Bennett. I usually make a normal plate for him and when he asks for more of whatever starch we have that night he has to finish the veggie that is sitting on his plate. Usually he starts to eat at least some when he sees that Kirby gets more noodles or whatever. I don't know if you do seconds at your house but that has been a great incentive for Bennett to know that he gets a little more of what he likes.

With the sharing the room thing--we just made the big jump. Naps are separate but night time is in the same room--even bed now. Sometimes they wake each other up but I figure they will be sharing a room as long as they live with me so they might as well get used to it.

Let us know how it goes.

Amy said...

Wes is the same way with food. And I think it's hard to get them to eat veggies because we can't communicate/bargain with them yet. Wes is a fan of anything cheesy or crackers. Maybe in the next year or so we can try the "eat your veggies or no ______" technique :)

As for moving out of the crib... I thought it was going to be much worse than it was. He did great with it and still sleeps through the night. I tried to lie down with him for a while but he does best if I put him in the bed, say goodnight and leave. He cried for about a week (for maybe 2 minutes)and now that's over.

Angela said...

i would like to thank all the moms for food tips because this 24 year old doesn't eat veggies or anything that is a weird texture. i got some fun ideas reading all the elias tips. but i truly do love his menu that you listed, particularly all the cheese!! my favorite!!

kellybollman said...

My bedtime advice is - just do it.
It all works out. They won't end up being like 16 and 18 sleeping in the same room still talking all night. hehe
Seriously though. We moved Belle to the big bed at 16 mo. and Christian to the crib pretty soon after he was born. I was nervous too, but it just worked out. Christian was sleeping through the night and if he didn't, Belle slept through it. They get used to all that noise. Kind of like how I woke up the first night at Patterson to the trains that go past USC, but by night 3... I never woke up again. :)
You're such a wonderful mom! Love you!