I know I should call you Daddy, but today I am particularly fond of calling you Nick.
Today was hard without you.... I had fun with mom, but I missed you a lot - as always.
After you left for school, we played with the Cowan girls a lot and that was definitely fun. Grace is fast as anything at getting up our stairs and I'm hoping she can teach me soon. She DOES NOT like when I chase her around trying to hug her.
After they left, I took a nap and woke up with a serious vengeance. I was mad as fire & made Mommy hold me for about an hour, even though she was already holding sis. She didn't really mind - but she was trying ot put up some laundry. Then we did a video chat with Ruby, Josh, Abel, AnnaJaye, & Ab... I'm still pretty freaked out by talking to people on the computer, but I'm getting better.
Just before dinner, mom trimmed my hair - which was helpful. She had read some people saying online that the rapture is coming so she wanted to make sure I could see Jesus. She knows you think that is a dumb idea though. (that the rapture is tomorrow, not cutting my hair) I was so frustrated about the haircut, we had to have a Elias-friendly dinner - chips, hummus, & a granola bar. And of course I only wore one boot.
To make us feel normal without you, Mommy took us on our normal trip around our old farm. Mom wanted to take some pictures of us - but I kind of refused to leave her side. She didn't mind. Glory also did her best "wilson from 'Home Improvement'" impression.
We played just a bit more and then got ready for bed. At one point right before I walked up the stairs, I looked at Mama & said in perfect english, "Where's Nick?!" She thought I was too cute to correct me, but she did say tomorrow I have to go back to calling you Daddy.
We love you and missed you today.
We're proud of you for all your hard school work.
See you tomorrow Nick.
love Elias.
"Where's nick" really really lol
I love you guys and I am glad to be back home where I belong.
I am actually crying I am laughing so hard at the "where's nick" thing. And also the "See you tomorrow Nick."
Killing me.
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