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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Just a taste.

I just edited our Christmas pictures and my kids are soooo cute in them, I'm about to go wake them up just to pinch their cheeks and call them good-looking. I'll try to only do a few, but I may go nuts here.

family pic

nativity playtime with Kelly & Jason

big wheel goodness

my whole life. I see this face my whole life.

typical connolly craziness

loving her dolly

practicing clapping for brother

a special minute with dad



Nick said...

Men do not smile when they are on Harleys...Elias should not smile while he is on a big wheel. I would argue that a big wheel is way more manly than a Harley.

I am glad you see that look all the time...I HOPE YOU SEE IT IN YOUR SLEEP!

Had a great Christmas...Love you. (I am doing the look).

kristen said...

i really love your babies and your hair color and i seriously want glor's tights. in tall ;)

inthemiddleoflife said...

just picked up the photos you sent to my Walmart. Thanks so much! They are precious and just what I needed for the frig to give a lift to the worn out red & green:)